The Monday Morning Marketing Podcast is brought to you byEsther of IPA Group, bringing premier online promotion to your business.
And Melanie of STOMP Social Media Training, who empowers business owners to manage social media and marketing for themselves. And welcome back to another episode of the Monday Morning Marketing Podcast. Last week on the podcast, we were talking about marketing jargon, and today we're going to jargon it up again. Today we're talking about repurposing content.What now?
So this is where you create content and then find differentways to put it out to different platforms, different audiences, and atdifferent times. So let's start with one process. Okay? And the whole purposeof the content could be a blog. Let's say start with a blog, something written.So why would you want to repurpose content in the first place, Esther?
Well, because there's no point in reinventing the wheel.You've already spent hours possibly writing the blog.
Definitely with a blog.
Yes. So you've done all the research, you have written allthe words, you found all the keywords, you have put images into it, etcetera,etcetera. You have taken your precious time to make that blog. So if you onlyuse it once, then you're missing a trick.
And even repurposing content in the form of, so you put itup on your website. I think sharing it on platforms like MissingLettr or QuuPromote is also repurposing the content because you're putting it on other platformsto be shared elsewhere.
Yeah. If you don't know what Melanie's talking about, goback through other podcasts, because we have talked about these platformsbefore. So what you're saying, Melanie, is that basically, okay, I write a blogpost and I share it for the next ten years, and that's me done. Well, why areyou laughing? If it takes me 10 hours to make it, I'm going to share it for tenyears, right?
Well, it has to also remain evergreen as well, and even whenit does
More jargon.
Yes. So evergreen means that it stays relevant for as longas possible. Now, it doesn't have to be forever. In fact, we were only lookingat a blog a few hours ago, and it was for a certain topic, and it was writtenin 2019. However, it was updated in 2022. So you can go back into your oldblogs, because I would highly recommend you do this and update them to keepthem evergreen instead of, like you say, reinventing the wheel from thebeginning.
Okay, so we have our blog post. We put that blog post on ourwebsite. We then share that blog post link on all our social medias. But isthere any other way of sharing things from the blog post on socials?
Well, we can take sound bites from it, so sentences andrelevant text and even relevant images. We can share those into our socialmedia stories. So that can be on Instagram, on LinkedIn, which do a format ofstories these days, and onto other platforms as well, TikTok included. Soalthough it's not giving the whole blog, it could be snapshots that can takepeople back to the blog. So in essence, it is repurposing.
Okay, so we don't just copy and paste the entire blog ontoFacebook or LinkedIn and reshare it that way.
We can, but it would be less useful. What we're trying to dois build awareness and traction and build a rapport and a relationship. Sotaking people with those little snapshots, those little bits of usefulinformation to entice and excite, then that would be a really valuable way torepurpose. But there's other ways we can repurpose as well. And one of myfavourites, which is one of your absolute dreads, is video. So we can actuallyrecreate that entire blog post. We'll have to sort of rescript it, if you like,because when you're writing a blog, you're writing one way and when you'retrying to speak to people in a slightly different way. So you would turn yourblog into kind of like a conversation. You could get somebody to fire questionsfrom you. That could be the headings of the blog, let's say, and then yourespond by answering the questions or the headings through commentary. Or youcould take literal things from a blog, so maybe you're talking about squaresand circles and houses and whatever terms you're using within the blog. You canactually then take people on location and sort of help give a visualrepresentation of your text.
Yeah, so along those same lines, if you're like me and don'tlike doing videos, you could create an infographic, or you could create onInstagram the carousels that basically give the low down of the informationfrom the blog post in different snippets or sound bites. But obviouslyinfographics and the carousels are less information because it's a smallerspace that you're going to have. So if you want to write a 10,000 word blogpost (I don't recommend that, it's far too long) maybe turn that one into anebook and expand on your blog post.
Absolutely. You can do a series, you can answer with one 10thousand blog post, or you can do ten, 1000 blog posts in a series. And don'tforget podcasting like we're doing right now, so you can repurpose doing apodcast as well. We already repurpose. We repurpose for show notes. We also dowritten blogs as well. So there's different ways that you can repurpose. Itjust depends on the time that you have, the budget you have, and whether youwant to do it or not, Esther
You're still talking about video there, but it is a veryimportant tool. I mean, it's not essential. You don't have to do it with everysingle post that you make or every single blog that you write. You don't haveto repurpose it. But think of all the time that you spent on it. Think of allthe time for only that one piece of content when there are so many other thingsthat you can take out of it. You can take, like Melanie was saying, thesnippets, you can take the headlines, you can take the, if it's got a lot ofstatistics and stuff, take those out, share those. If your audience isinterested in the numbers and figures, give them the numbers and figures andyou can always redirect them back to the full blog post for them to read more.
And remember if you're creating videos for Facebook, solet's say you're maybe doing a live on Facebook or doing a TikTok, you canrepurpose those live videos, then download onto your phone as a recording andput them in a YouTube channel, which again, is a valuable place to be found insearch is on YouTube in a Google search. And you can do tags that will help youget found in search there as well.
Yeah. And you can also, when you're doing the videos, havethe subtitles and then download the subtitles and have those as extra content.And then if you're first doing the video, use the subtitles to expand on it fora blog post. Then you're not starting all over again from scratch or having towatch your video back and go, what did I say there?
And if you're like me, I also do public webinars as well asprivate webinars, and when you're speaking at events and that sort of stuff,and you've perhaps created a PowerPoint presentation or a presentation doesn'thave to be PowerPoint these days, does it? Then you're welcome to share it inthe likes of SlideShare. It's not as easily navigable as perhaps other areasthat get found in search, but it is an area where people do look uppresentations and download them, or view them, at least. So SlideShare isanother option.
Yeah, there are tonnes and tonnes of options out there. Whatwe want to get you thinking about today is how you can take content that you'vealready written, content that you already have, be it video into text, or textinto video, how you can make more out of what you already have. So think of allthe time again that you spent researching, that you spent writing, that youspent recording, that you spent editing, just for it to go out once?
That would be insane.
It would. It's one of those things that, I mean, us asexperienced marketers still struggle sometimes because we're going but, yeah, Iwrote that blog post about LinkedIn six years ago. Okay, just go back. I'm suresome of it well, in LinkedIn's case, probably is still relevant today. If itwas about Facebook, you'd have to start from scratch. No, I like LinkedInbecause it doesn't change as quickly as the other ones do, right? So you canlearn LinkedIn and keep learning little bits at a time, whereas the other onegoes, you learn Facebook and then a couple of months later go, no, that's nolonger relevant. I'm exaggerating here, guys. I'm totally exaggerating. You canreally just keep up with everything, but yes, depending on the topic, you mightnot have to change too much even if you wrote it 5-10 years ago. Okay, go backthrough what you already have and find ways to do that. I know it's somethingI'll be doing over the holidays.
Is that really what you're going to be doing over theholidays?
No, but it's something that it's on my list of things to do.And if I get a bit of time over the holidays, then I might while the kids areplaying with the Christmas presents.
Do you know what I try to do actually over the holidays is Igo over not just look at my text of my past blogs, but I also change the image.Because if I'm using a platform like Quu Promote or MissingLettr or indeed anyother, like Post Planner, that's another one that you can recycle as well asAgorapulse you can recycle content, is people think, "oh well, I've seenthat picture, I've seen that picture, I've seen that picture, so I've obviouslyread it." Whereas if you change the actual featured image on the blog,people go, oh, I haven't seen this before. And then they open it and they'veeither never ever read the blog or they can't remember reading it. And itactually encourages people to come back to your website. So periodically,normally it's during the Christmas break, I go through and change my featuredimage on my website and it just gives it a refresh.
And it does too, because some images get used so often,especially if they're free images. So if you can find one that even has verylittle to do with what the topic actually is, it can draw attention in as well.
Or create one yourself. I mean, we've all got the resourcesto do it these days.
Exactly. Canva has come a long way.
Or photos, take photos of your own office, of your ownlocation, and it helps people feel that little bit closer to you.
That's very true as well. So guys, we hope that you takesome of this information. You don't have to take it all and find ways torepurpose. We'd love to know what it is that you're going to do with your oldcontent and keep us tagged in everything that you're doing.
All right, so that's it for another week, guys. We'll beback next week with more Monday Morning Marketing. Until then, bye bye.
Bye, guys.