The Monday Morning Marketing Podcast is brought to you byEsther of IPA Group, bringing premier online promotion to your business.
And Melanie of Stump Social Media Training, whom empowersbusiness owners to manage social media and marketing for themselves. Welcomeback to another episode of the Monday Morning Marketing Podcast. Today is aspecial episode. Happy New Year, everyone. We are back with our predictions.
Happy New Year.
Yes, it's 2023. How did that happen? We have been doing thepodcast now for three full years. Thank you for sticking around and listeningto this. So once again, we didn't go back and listen to see if our predictionscame true last year, but pretty sure we were bang on track, as we always are onthis show. But let's just jump into what we think is coming up for 2023. Takeit away, Melanie.
Well, I think personally that TikTok is going to be way upthere. I think yeah, well, I know currently it's predominantly a very, veryyoung audience, but our audience, our generation, and I'm not going to saywhich one that is, but our generation, the best one, has become more used toshort form video and even long form video, to be honest. And I actually feel alittle sorry for any businesses that are starting up now because they have ahell of a leap.
They do.
Hell of a leap to jump. But I think TikTok is and I thinkGoogle Business Profile, I think they're both going to become especially with,like, YouTube shorts, I think they're both going to become massive this yearbecause short form video is the way to go.
Okay, that's bad news for me because I hate doing videos,but I am one of those people who consumes the videos. You know, I go down thatrabbit hole, I'll just watch three little TikToks, and then numerous hourslater, I'm still there watching three little TikToks. But yes, I do get that.And that takes me on to one of the predictions that I have, which is livestream shopping. Okay.
What's that?
That's way before my time.
No, I'm not talking about shopping on while you're watchingTV, but YouTube and Pinterest and TikTok shop. Everybody's going live now,everywhere. And you can buy things stripped by clicking on your little screenand buying it directly. You can see them trying it out. You can see themtesting it. You can see it all. And you don't need to make a phone call to QVC.You don't have to tell them your credit card details because most of them aresaved on your social media platform anyway. Makes shopping scarily easy. So ifyou're selling something, make sure you have a shop. Instagram shop. Shopify.Have a shop online that people can access quickly and easily. And now we're goingto hear a prediction from Samantha Kelly, aka the Tweeting Goddess.
My predictions for 2023 in social media. I think short form.Video, obviously, is going to continue to rise. I think there's going to be alot of competition between Twitter Spaces and LinkedIn Audio. I do think videois going to come to Twitter Spaces. Also LinkedIn audio. Yeah, it's going toramp it up and start having an offer to record LinkedIn Audio rooms. So TwitterSpaces, LinkedIn Audio, I do think audio and video are going to be reallyimportant in 2023.
Thanks for that, slam.
So, what do we have next? Well, I'm going to becontroversial and I'm going to say I think we're going to see an emergence ofother Twitter like profiles. Yes. As you may have heard, there is a newplatform in the works called Blue Sky, which is being developed by Twitter's exCEO Jack Dorsey. So, Master Don, I think there's going to be a bit of a run onTwitter, like short form social profiles, especially as now Twitter is nolonger short form. Yes.
Bring back MySpace is what I have to say to that. Somethings you just shouldn't change and other things I mean, Amen, we seem to begetting more and more social and less sociable.
Great. Oh, that's really good.
We could take that as a little snippet. Okay, so here we go.The environment will no longer be an afterthought. Lots of people now veryconcerned, as this should be, about global warming. We're going through thecoldest winter here in Ireland that we've seen, and I don't know how long, itis horrendously cold right now, and global warming is real. We can all make adifference even if we are sat at home. And we will be having a podcast comingup soon about sustainability in marketing and in small business owners. And youcan do your part as well. But I think a lot of people social responsibility isa big thing and people will even be looking for that from businesses beforethey contact them to work with them. So how are you offsetting your carbonfootprint? Think about that and get it out there. As to how you're doing that,put it on your website. You have planted so many trees this year, et cetera,and there's lots of.
Different ways of doing this sustainability as well. I'vebeen very lucky to speak to quite a large amount of people in the sustainableand climate change sphere in Irish Tech news, so I'm hoping we'll be bringingsome of them on over the next year or so as well, so that we can learn herewith our audience.
So I think now it's going to be over to the creator economy,which was initially mentioned, I think, by Neil Patel, I think it was, I'm notentirely sure. So Neil Patel, I think it might have been who came up with thatone. So apologies if that's not the right name. I don't know who I'm wavingthat.
You can verify. She did actually wave. Okay, I'm sorry.
So the creator economy has become quite the economy thesedays because it's now being handed over more and more to micro influencers. Andthere's now great databases of microinfluencers that large agencies cancontact. So, I mean, there's going to be one in every country, okay? There'sliterally going to be one in every country. But here in Ireland, we have theIrish Blogger agency and they have just a profound amount of small to medium toeven large influencers that you can tap. And as long as these people keep theirnoses clean, because there's always controversies, I think the creator economyin that respect will actually blossom, especially this year. And now it's myturn to introduce our next guest predictions with Amanda Webb.
I'm Amanda Webb. I'm a digital marketing ROI mentor andconsultant. That means that I help businesses just like yours get more profitfrom the time, from the energy, from the money that they spend on your digitalmarketing. And my prediction for 2023 is that businesses are going to be payingway more attention to their ROI, to their return on investment, because we areseeing costs going up across the board, things like advertising, even ourdigital advertising, but also overheads, even heating the office or switchingon the lights is costing us way more. So proving that we're actually gettingprofitable, that we're actually getting return on investment on our digitalmarketing is going to be more important. And that includes things like lookingat our analytics, looking at the processes, your sales processes, and how muchmoney you're putting into that compared to how much you're getting out, that'sgoing to be important, and particularly for contractors. So if you are a socialmedia manager or a marketing manager for a company, you're going to need toprove your ROI. So it's time to get analytics savvy.
Thanks so much for that, Amanda. Okay, just a couple morefrom us and we are done for our predictions for this year. Authenticity. Neverhas it been more important to be authentic. Okay? As Melanie said just beforeAmanda, people will find out stuff about you. Lies can be discovered,especially with the vast internet of things that we have available.Authenticity telling a story that resonates as well. Not just being authentic,but authenticity that resonates with other people backing it up as well. Yeah,like we said, don't just say that you're going to plant a tree, show a pictureof you planting a tree. Be authentic, unboxing. Things that are good for theenvironment. Obviously boxes aren't, but how you recycle them, things likethat. If you're selling physical products, what things are you wrapping themin? How are you telling that story about how you came up with the idea for theproduct? How are you telling the story about how the product was made, wherethe inspiration came from, all of these things.
Being authentic, isn't that like heart centred marketing,essentially?
Yeah, but people still have hearts even after these last fewyears of trials and tribulations. We want feel good stories. We want lessdrama. Would be nice going into 2023.
I can't imagine it myself, but no, be nice.
It would.
Okay, so I've I've got one more, I think because of thebecause obviously it's beginning. It's beginning of 2023. And so I know it'sgoing to be quite a seasonal thing, but we're in the middle of a cost of livingcrisis and I think there is going to be even more businesses that are going tobe focusing on their pricing structure and what they're going to be getting forthat value. But the downside to that is that I can also see a lot of supportsand smaller businesses closing because they can't keep up with the largercompanies that are able to provide a better price. So I think to that end, weneed to look after and try and remember the smaller local businesses. Try andlook at them first before we look at the big hoop suites and hub spots. Theyhave their place, but they're big. They're not going to go out overnight. But Ido think we work for them.
I mean, we saw what happened with Twitter.
Well, yeah, they have money, but I honestly do think butwith all this authenticity, with all this sustainability, with all this goingin mind, I really do think we need to look closer to home first. I think weneed to look at our smaller local businesses. We need to support them becausethey've got families and pets and houses and things to look after.
And we know that if you pay into the local economy, thatmoney stays locally. And if you pay them money, they pay money to someone elselocally. And it will come back to you. The cycle will perpetuate more ratherthan giving the money to billionaires and then.
You'Re not having to drive miles to the local grocerieswhere possible. Do look at your local smaller businesses first, because at theend of the day, and this cost of living crisis and same as within COVID, ifthese small businesses are the backbones of every single nation's economy. AndI do think we should work first and foremost to look after our closest andnearest and dearest in whichever country you're listening to this because itwill make a difference.
It will indeed. If you agree with our predictions or if youdisagree with our predictions, we'd love to hear from you. As always, oursocials are open for all your comments and we look forward to spending 2023with you as well. Until then, bye bye.
Happy New Year, guys.
Bye bye. Stop waving. Nobody's looking.
I'm sorry. It's just a natural thing for me.
Cross your hands. Sit on them.
I'm going to sit on them now. Okay, it was a bit late now,but, you know, I'm actually sitting on my hand.
I don't can see.